Easter Storm
Most days I wake up to a beautiful glow in the eastern sky that encourages me to get out of bed and go watch. Today started out with breezy wind, gray skies, and waves that look like we are on Monterey Bay. I don't think this is a named storm but it sure does remind me of last summer with all the hurricanes. Anyway, Happy Easter.
The thousands and thousands of Mexican campers came and played anyway, storm or no storm. They partied almost through the night until the cops came and shut them down. The music didn't wake me up but the sirens and the bip bipping of their sirens certainly did. 3am is a bad time to wake up thinking I'm in New York City.
Since the weather is so crumby I suppose the boaters and jet skiers will be heading back to their cities, leaving us to sweep the streets and get back to our seriously quiet little village. Tents will be folded and taco carts will be loaded on pick ups. I wonder if all that beer got drunk.
Since we 'Mericans are in general a religious bunch we understand and expect lots of church goers to make it to their chosen House of God on these holidays. Generally, Mexicans also consider this a family day with their barbecues and beer replacing our ham and Easter Eggs. And as far as I can tell the whole Easter Bunny and candy deal we have is only being adopted by a few Mexicans.
So, on this gray Easter morning I'm wishing you much beer, candy, eggs, baked ham, and barbecued steak.